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- Key Economic Indicators
- (Millions of U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted)
- 1992 1993 1994 1/
- Income, Production and Employment:
- Real GDP (1985 prices) N/A N/A N/A
- Real GDP Growth (pct.) -5.4 1.3 6.0
- GDP (at current prices): 12,365 12,672 13,800
- By Sector:
- Agriculture 590 563 570
- Energy/Water 289 322 360
- Manufacturing 4,095 3,870 3,900
- Construction 458 521 510
- Rents 1,445 1,421 1,600
- Financial Services 409 443 450
- Other Services 2,637 2,821 3,400
- Government/Health/Education 2,368 2,734 3,000
- Net Exports of Goods & Services 92 50 200
- Real Per Capita GDP (1985 base) N/A N/A N/A
- Labor Force (000s) 783 760 748
- Unemployment Rate (pct.) 8.3 9.1 9.0
- Money and Prices: (annual percentage growth)
- Money Supply (M2) 2.8 2.5 1.9
- Base Interest Rate 3/ 25 18 16
- Personal Saving Rate 48 30 24
- Retail Inflation 201.3 32.3 20.5
- Wholesale Inflation 215.7 21.6 18.5
- Concumer Price Index 201 32 21
- Exchange Rate (USD/Sit)
- Official 83 115 125
- Parallel 87 117 115
- Balance of Payments and Trade:
- Total Exports (FOB) 6,681 6,083 6,500
- Exports to U.S. 195 216 233
- Total Imports (CIF) 6,141 6,501 6,696
- Imports from U.S. 167 188 197
- Aid from U.S. N/A N/A N/A
- Aid from Other Countries N/A N/A N/A
- External Public Debt 1,741 1,873 2,000
- Debt Service Payments (paid) 388 374 390
- Gold and Foreign Exch. Reserves 1,163 1,566 2,800
- Trade Balance 791.1 -154.2 -40
- Trade Balance with U.S. 28 28 35
- N/A--Not available.
- 1/ 1994 figures are all estimates based on available monthly
- data in October 1994.
- 1. General Policy Framework
- In 1991, Slovenia set out on the path of complete political
- and economic transformation. In the first phase, after market
- reforms and a stabilization policy were introduced, the
- immediate consequences were predominantly lower employment and
- somewhat lower standards of living. In the second phase, the
- positive effects at the macroeconomic level have appeared step
- by step. But Slovenia is still at the beginning with regard to
- some crucial elements of its economic transformation, above all
- with regard to efficient affirmation of property rights
- (privatization, sanctioning of contracts) and the development
- of a financial market.
- The main reason for the economic depression in 1991-1992
- was a dramatic decrease in aggregate demand (the collapsed
- trade flows with other regions of former Yugoslavia, a decrease
- of trade with eastern European markets). Likewise the revival
- of activity in 1993 was also caused by the increase of demand.
- The contraction of markets in the former Yugoslavia stopped at
- a low level, but the growth of exports to other countries was
- high. A very restrictive monetary policy was loosened up to a
- more neutral one. The credibility of the Slovene currency and
- domestic institutions significantly increased.
- After five years of decline, the GDP increased by one
- percent in 1993. In the first eight months of 1994, positive
- growth continued, but under conditions of the declining import
- of consumer goods and the increasing import of semifinished
- materials, while the current balance of payment shows a larger
- surplus again. The actual annual growth rate as of August 1994
- was five percent.
- The public debt of the Republic of Slovenia, including
- potential obligations stemming from the state succession
- negotiations was estimated at 33 percent of GDP at the end of
- 1993. For loan servicing, 0.8 percent of GDP or 1.6 percent of
- total public receipts was spent in 1993. Comparable figures
- for 1994 are 1.1 and 2.3 percent, respectively. Slovenia's
- public debt is still relatively small.
- The Bank of Slovenia has successfully realized its primary
- goals, lowering inflation and supplying the required quantity
- of stable money. Other goals were the decreasing of interest
- rates, facilitating liquidity conditions in commercial banks,
- and a fluctuation of the tolar's exchange rate on the foreign
- exchange market. The most often used instruments were the
- liquidity loans given on the basis of papers of value as
- collateral. Both M1 and primary money increased in real terms
- in 1993, while the real growth of money in 1994 is slowing
- down. In the structure of primary money, the share of giro
- accounts and bank reserves is increasing at the expense of
- currency in circulation. Financial assets of the population in
- banks are increasing very quickly, both in tolar and foreign
- exchange deposits.
- Slovenia signed an accession agreement with the GATT on
- September 27, 1994. Slovenia has also started negotiations to
- join the new World Trade Organization.
- 2. Exchange Rate Policy
- When creating its currency (launched on October 8, 1991),
- Slovenia opted for a managed float of the tolar against the
- Deutsche mark, rather than a straight peg. A peg remains the
- long term objective. In real effective terms, the tolar has
- appreciated strongly against the mark throughout 1992, by 3.3
- percent in 1993, and by an additional 6.8 percent in the first
- eight months of 1994. This is due to a surplus in the balance
- of payment as well as to a high net inflow of foreign exchange
- in foreign exchange offices in the country. The mentioned data
- are valid for the exchange rate for business transactions,
- which grew at a slightly slower pace than the rate of the Bank
- of Slovenia ("the official rate"). The latter reflects actual
- movements of different money aggregates in the previous month
- and is used for administrative purposes only (customs, etc.).
- 3. Structural Policies
- Slovenia has made significant progress across a broad
- spectrum of structural reforms. Slovenia is undertaking a
- rehabilitation and reform of the financial sector and a
- privatization of "socially-owned capital" to make the economy
- more market-oriented. Structural reforms in these two areas
- are interrelated. New prudential regulations (e.g.,
- provisioning, capital adequacy, large borrower limits) and
- accounting standards (e.g., nonaccrual of late interest) were
- put in place along with the establishment of Bank of Slovenia
- supervision activities. The necessary legal framework was
- erected with the passage of key implementing legislation for
- ownership transformation; a bankruptcy law; a company law; a
- banking law; and a securities market and mutual fund law.
- With regard to bank rehabilitation, the three most
- important banks were put under the rehabilitation program. By
- the end of September 1994, 625 programs for privatization were
- submitted to the Rehabilitation Agency. These programs cover
- approximately 850 "socially owned" companies (out of around
- 2,500). 304 programs were approved (first round of
- approvals). The programs submitted represent about 55 percent
- of GDP and an equal percentage of employees.
- In 1993, changes were introduced in the personal income
- tax, effective January 1, 1994. With regard to the corporate
- income tax, tax holidays have been eliminated and the
- depreciation schedule has been liberalized. The carry-forward
- period for losses has been extended to five years from the
- previous regulation that allowed carry-forward for only one
- year. A new corporate income tax law has been prepared and is
- expected to become effective in the Fall of 1994 with the rate
- lowered from 40 percent to 25 percent. Overall payroll tax
- rates were lowered considerably during 1993, from 50.35 percent
- to 44.60 percent on average, as of the second quarter of 1994.
- Prices are mainly market driven. Prices for electricity,
- gas and telecommunications are the only prices still controlled
- by the government.
- 4. Debt Management Policies
- Public debt of the Republic of Slovenia, including
- potential obligations stemming from the succession
- negotiations, is estimated at 33 percent of the GDP at the end
- of 1993. For loan servicing, 0.8 percent of GDP or 1.6 percent
- of total public receipts was channeled in 1993. Comparable
- figures for 1994 are 1.1 and 2.3 percent, respectively.
- Slovenia's public debt is still relatively small.
- According to the Monthly Bulletin of the Bank of Slovenia
- from August 1994, the latest actual data for foreign debt and
- foreign exchange reserves are $1,985 million and $2,208
- million, respectively. The debt servicing ratio was 5.4
- percent at the end of 1993.
- From a total debt of $1,985 million, $1,891 million
- represents long term debt, $84 million accounts for short-term
- debt, and $10 million is IMF credit (all data are stipulated
- according to the World Bank methodology). The debt data apply
- only to loans used directly by Slovene beneficiaries. The
- division of federal (old Yugoslav) debt (approximately $2.6
- billion - obligations to the IMF already excluded) is the
- subject of ongoing negotiations on Yugoslav succession.
- The Republic of Slovenia became a member of the IMF in
- January 1993. By the decision of the Executive Board of the
- IMF in December 1992, Slovenia was declared a successor state
- to a percentage share of assets and liabilities of the former
- Yugoslavia. At the moment of succession, total liabilities
- were SDR 51 million dollars, of which disbursed credits
- amounted to SDR 25.5.
- A breakdown by creditors of the external long-term debt
- follows (millions of dollars): 1) multilateral 442 (IBRD 120,
- EBRD 14, EIB 204, IFC 65, EUROFIMA 39); 2) Paris Club 227; 3)
- Refinancing: commercial banks 418; 4) Other long-term loans 804.
- Following the Slovene Government's decision of January 13,
- 1994, payments related to the following obligations are, until
- final agreement is concluded, made to a fiduciary account of
- the Bank of Slovenia in the Dresdner Bank, Luxembourg SA: 16.39
- percent of interest due under the "Yugoslav New Financing
- Agreement" (NFA) from 1988 for the amounts for which the
- obligor is the National Bank of Yugoslavia; principal and
- interest due under the NFA, for live credits only, where the
- beneficiary is a Slovene entity; and amounts on deposit with
- the Ljubljanska Banka d.d. under the Trade and Deposit Facility
- Agreement from 1988. The balance of this account as of July
- 31, 1994 is $68 million.
- 5. Significant Barriers to U.S. Exports
- Traditionally, Slovenia had a relatively market oriented
- economic system with liberalized prices and a high degree of
- openness to foreign trade. With the beginning of its
- transition to a market oriented economy, Slovenia gradually
- loosened the remaining obstacles in its foreign trade regime.
- However, some statutory barriers to foreign investment remain.
- In October 1994, Slovenia became a member of the GATT.
- Slovenia has started negotiations to join the new World Trade
- Organization. Slovenia had prepared all the necessary measures
- to comply with GATT by the first half of 1994.
- Foreign Investment: Two major barriers to U.S. investment
- exist. First, any company incorporated in Slovenia must have a
- managing director of Slovene nationality, or the majority of
- the board of directors must be Slovene. Second, a foreign
- registered company or individuals of foreign nationality are
- not allowed to buy (own) land in Slovenia. However, any
- company incorporated in Slovenia, regardless of the origin of
- its founding capital, may buy real estate in Slovenia.
- Slovenia's exchange system is free of restrictions on the
- making of payments and transfers for current international
- transactions, following the removal of a restriction limitating
- transferability of tolar balances held by certain nonresidents.
- 6. Export Subsidies Policies
- Slovenia has no special export subsidies policy. The
- Slovene economy has always been export oriented. It is driven
- by the exchange rate of domestic currency only. As a fledgling
- nation, Slovenia lacks different tools to stimulate exports.
- Slovenia adopted new legislation in 1994 on tax exemptions on
- imported inputs. This helps domestic companies compete with
- foreign competition on a more equitable basis.
- 7. Protection of U.S. Intellectual Property
- Intellectual property is well protected in Slovenia, and
- the governments's commitment to such protection is high. Two
- bills were submitted to the Parliament in 1994. The bills are
- the Act on Protection of Topography of Semiconductors Circuits
- (which is harmonized with the American Patent Office) and the
- Copyright and Related Rights Act.
- Slovenia is a member of all major relevant conventions such
- as the Bern, Paris, WIPO, Madrid Arrangement of Internationally
- Registered Marks, PCT, and two classification arrangements:
- Locarno, and Nice. By the end of 1995 Slovenia will fulfill
- all obligations from the Uruguay Round's Trade Related Aspects
- of Intellectual Propertry Rights agreement (TRIPs), including
- Trade in Counterfeit Goods.
- Some years ago, computer software and video piracy was
- present in the country. However, several successful court
- cases in the late eighties helped remedy the situation. The
- first and best known case involved the U.S. company Autodesk.
- Today Slovenia's position is comparable to that of the West.
- 8. Worker Rights
- a. The Right of Association
- The Slovene constitution provides that trade unions, their
- operation, and their membership shall be free. Workers, except
- for some in the public sector, enjoy the right to strike.
- Virtually all workers, except for the police and military, are
- eligible to form and join labor organizations of their own
- choosing.
- The former Yugoslav government-sponsored and controlled
- unions disappeared with Slovenia's independence in 1991.
- Slovenia now has two main labor groupings, with constituent
- branches throughout the country. There is a third, much
- smaller, regional labor union on the Adriatic coast. Unions
- are independent of government and the political parties. The
- constitution provides that the state shall be responsible for
- "the creation of opportunities for employment and for work."
- There are no restrictions on affiliating with like-minded
- international union organizations.
- b. The Right to Organize and Bargain Collectively
- Slovenia's economy is in transition from the command
- economy of the communist system, which included some private
- ownership of enterprises along with state and "social"
- ownership. In the transition to a fully market based economy,
- the collective bargaining process is changing. Formerly, the
- Yugoslav government had a dominant role in setting the minimum
- wage and conditions of work. The Slovene government still
- exercises this role to an extent, although private businesses,
- growing steadily in number, set pay scales directly with their
- employees' unions or employee representatives. The U.SS
- Embassy has received no reports of anti-union discrimination.
- c. Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labor
- There is no forced labor in Slovenia.
- d. Minimum Age for Employment of Children
- The minimum age for employment is 16 years. Children must
- remain in school until age 15. During the harvest on the farms
- younger children do work. In general, urban employers respect
- the age limits. The constitution specifically prohibits
- exploitation of children.
- e. Acceptable Conditions of Work
- Slovenia has a minimum wage of $240 (gross wage) per month,
- with a 40 hour work week. Slovenia has an active concern for
- occupational safety. In general, Slovene enterprises provide
- acceptable conditions of work equal to standards in force in
- other European countries.
- f. Rights in Sectors with U.S. Investment
- The information given above on the five areas of concern
- for worker rights, applies equally in all sectors of the
- economy.
- Extent of U.S. Investment in Selected Industries.--U.S. Direct
- Investment Position Abroad on an Historical Cost Basis--1993
- (Millions of U.S. dollars)
- Category Amount
- Petroleum 0
- Total Manufacturing -4
- Food & Kindred Products 0
- Chemicals and Allied Products -4
- Metals, Primary & Fabricated 0
- Machinery, except Electrical 0
- Electric & Electronic Equipment 0
- Transportation Equipment 0
- Other Manufacturing 0
- Wholesale Trade 0
- Banking 0
- Finance/Insurance/Real Estate 0
- Services 0
- Other Industries 0
- Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic
- Analysis
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